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Google Analytics integration

Google Analytics is a free web analytics tool from Google that allows you to see how visitors are interacting with your site.

Why enable analytics integration?

In many cases, it’s not what your subscribers do with your campaign that’s important, it’s what they do after receiving it that matters.

For example, how many subscribers went on to complete a desired action, such as download a white paper or make a purchase. By integrating your two accounts, we can tell you this automatically for every campaign you send.

Create newsletter archive for your website

You can customise how you’d like past campaigns to be displayed For example, you can create one script to show the most recent campaign on the front page, and a different script to show the complete archive of newsletters on another page.

Set a custom domain

You can change the URL that you use to access your account. You’ll need to have access to the domain’s DNS records. The best way to find out if you can do this is to contact your domain name registrar or web hosting provider. You’ll be adding what’s called a new CNAME record to your DNS.